Talking Cats Generator

Talking Cats Generator




Objective: To recall relevant facts from a chosen student post


Web tool: Talking Cats Generator There are also links to a squirrel, an owl, a tomato, and a flower generator on this page that can be used as well. This gives students another choice!


Use of tool: Students read posts from other student bloggers  who they have connected with previously by commenting back and forth. They pull out the relevant facts and comment on the post. This is a fun way to remember details and also celebrates the other blogger's content. Students choose the character generator they wish to use.


How it facilitates learning: Settings that allow for social interactions and reflective thinking about what someone else has written may lead to higher levels of cognitive development. Learning is influenced by social interactions, interpersonal relations, and communication with others. Students having choices promotes active involvement and more ownership of the learning by the students.


Blog posts:


Owl Oath to News by Emmy


Additional strategies to use with students to facilitate learning and thinking:



How To: This is another easy and quick tool to use. The "Talking Cat" and the other characters link above leads you to the site. All you have to do is delete this text in the text box: 'Enter several sentences to create an animation.' Then enter your text. Click 'Generate'.


To display your animation on your blog or wiki use the HTML code that is generated. Check your blog or wiki software program for directions on where to post the code.